Contacting Characters
This may be a long post. I’m not going to edit it down just to fit some ideal of internet concentration span. You don’t need me to, do you?
Still with me? Ok, cool, here we go.
People ask where the stories come from. You’ve probably heard that question too.
Here’s my answer.
They were always there, I simply tripped into awareness of their being. Hopefully I can help you to do that too.
It’s opening your ears (figuratively) and realising that a radio is on, whispering in the back of the room. It’s seeing someone out the corner of your eye. You recognise them, though you don’t know why.
These moments, they are the chance to make contact. Note something. Even if you have to rush back to work, finish washing your hair, turn off the light and sleep. Note something. Remember what they said, or their smile or their hands/hat/coat. Hold onto it. (Occasionally you’ll find an insistent one, who makes you stop in the street and scribble down three paragraphs of info. That’s great, do that if you have the chance!) If it isn’t that, if it’s just a note. Hold onto it.
When you find some time, take that note and dwell on it. Allow your mind to wander. Hear the radio, witness the images. Allow all the things that were to the side of your sight, underneath what you heard, to emerge. That note progresses to a link, and when you find them, ask your character questions. When you question, hear the reply. Let them tell you who they are. Where they’ve been. What they’ve done. It’s important to know them well, deeply, inside and out.
Be in tune to the thoughts and images in your head. They are allowing you access to another place and time. To be near these people and their stories. Be respectful. Be still and listen. Don’t try to focus or push. Touch on each thing you see or hear and see if it rings true. If not, allow it to slide away. If it does ring true, allow it to come into focus. See what appears around it, links to it.
An example. You heard the radio say ‘stupid birds.’ Ok, that’s short. Wonder, who said that? Why did they say that? Where were they when they said that?
Have you discovered some answers? Can you see who said it? If so, on to the next part.
Follow them into the fantastical. Don’t be limited by your own belief. Don’t turn away or resist what you learn. They have the full picture and, if you’re willing to hear them, they will reveal it in time.
They may say things that surprise you, impress you or maybe even disgust you a little (think horror stories, why would E V Black’s ‘he’ do those things?!). Because, they do as they choose, they are who they are. Nothing authentic will come of trying to push them one way or another. Regardless of what they reveal, love your characters. Your role is to be faithful in your portrayal of them. Would you be willing to share your inside self with someone who couldn’t/wouldn’t love you? I doubt it. So, accept them for who they are. Be the representative they deserve and enjoy the honour of receiving their story. You are the guardian who brings their story into the light. To me, that’s beautiful.